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MBC Children's Ministries

The Children's Ministries at Memorial exist as the core and strength of our church's discipleship. And we say "ministries" plural because of the robust offerings that we offer. 

Under Lead Pastor Dan Pritchett, our church has developed three dynamic children's programs: Memorial Kid University (affectionally known as MKU), Memorial Toddler University, and Bible Boot Camp. In addition, Memorial offers a wildly popular Vacation Bible School program every summer. Stop on by and bring your kids to be a part of the wonderful things happening in our Children's Ministry! 


Click the icons to the right to explore our Children's Ministry offerings. 



Sundays | 10:30 a.m.

Nursery: 6 months - 3 years

Children's Church: PreK - 4th Grade


For more information, call our church office at 504.887.1716

Memorial Baptist Church

5701 Veterans Memorial Blvd

Metairie, Louisiana 70003



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© MBC 2023


Sunday Bible Study: 9:15 am

Sunday Worship: 10:30 am

Wednesday Ministries: 6:15 pm

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